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Buxted Art Club
We are a group of leisure painters who meet at the Buxted Reading Room on Mondays from 10.00 to 2.30. or times within that to suit ourselves. Meeting for two terms in the year; September to December and January to May and sometimes informally during the summer. . We do not have a tutor but gain invaluable advice and encouragement from our fellow-members, working at our own pace and in our own chosen medium leading to a friendly and relaxed atmosphere in which to work. Lunch break is taken when we share ideas, discuss any club business and set the world to rights. The value of being in a group means we have:
- A definite time set aside to paint;
- Other artists to share ideas with;
- Connections with other groups;
- An annual exhibition at which to show our work
New members are welcome, space permitting, even if you have not painted for years. For further information please contact
Sheila Bartholomew
on 01825 733100