NHW Buxted is a local initiative run in conjunction with Sussex Police.

The police numbers below are non-emergency


mailto: wealden@sussex.pnn.police.uk


Role Name Telephone Email
NHW coordinator Mick Gosden 01825 733 812 buxtednhw@wesolve.co.uk
Deputy coordinator Homer Cox 01825 732 321 homer@homercox.net
Sussex Police Front desk 101 contact.centre@sussex.pnn.police.uk
Police Community Support Officer mailto:wealden@sussex.pnn.police.uk
Crimestoppers Crimestoppers 0800 555 111
Abandoned Vehicles or Anti-Social Driving Operation Crackdown http://www.operationcrackdown.org/

BPEC – Buxted Parish E-Community – is for the exchange of Neighbourhood Watch (“NHW”) and other community information of general interest. Any parish resident with Internet access is welcome to join. BPEC has over 300 members who receive weekly updates on NHW issues and other community information. Members can post their own messages to the group and membership is free. You can apply to join the group either via the BPEC website BPEC+subscribe@groups.io , or by contacting Homer Cox (contact details above).

The police numbers above are non-emergency

Also of interest:

Neighbourhood Policing Team – Sussex Police (NPT) – team: https://www.police.uk/sussex/EW1NH20/

National Neighbourhood & Home Watch Network www.ourwatch.org.uk

Represents all Neighbourhood Watch and Home Watch members across England and Wales. It is the body that engages with the Home Office and other partners at the strategic level.

Sussex Neighbourhood Watch Federation www.sussexnwfed.org.uk

Acts as a forum, co-ordinates resources, provides help to its members and helps to share good practice, as well as seeking to raise the profile of Neighbourhood Watch.